
Nurses are Glorified Nannies or Yayas?

nurses are yayasNormally I do not concern myself with ignorant posts on FB especially from ignorant people. That’s a crusade that would probably take years ad infinitum. As Albert Einstein said “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

Deep breathing…

It’s almost 5am and as I’m readying myself for my daily jog, I happened to spy my phone flashing a notification. And then I saw a message from one of my group chats. Now I didn’t want to react on the content of the picture. But I sat down and contemplated the words. Were they meant as a joke? Or did the women have specific grievances against one or two nurses that they felt that way?

It does put things into perspective. Can a “yaya” assigned in a hospital give prescription drugs to patients? Do independent, dependent and interdependent nursing actions? Does this post make me feel less of a professional?

For thousands of nurses out there, the pain, the hard work, the fear and anxiety, the sacrifices most of the time we’re bearing them in silence. It does hurt a bit to be downgraded to the level of a maid/nanny. A glorified one with the privilege of being assigned to hospitals.

I will respect the women who lambasted my profession even though they obviously have none for me and for the millions of nurses, some even working right now in the wee hours of the morning, some in lands far far away. Here’s the conversation, names are removed.

yaya nurse

One nurse has chosen to rise up to defend everyone by the way. Kudos to the guy.

As for me. I have a busy day ahead.

You go on. You set one foot in front of the other, and if a thin voice cries out, somewhere behind you, you pretend not to hear, and keep going.

-Geraldine Brooks

God bless to everyone!

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